Thursday, February 12, 2009

Half a Day

Don't let go
Your arms around me
My head next to your heart
I never want to go

There's no one here
To hold me ever' day
To keep me near
Calm my fears

They call me beautiful
They call me special and loved
For half a day I'm safe
All the rest is null

Where is mine?
To tuck me in...
And love me as I grow.
There all the time?

Unconditionally and everyday
I guess it's not for me
I'll try to be content with
Once a week and half a day

But my heart screams
Why don't I get a daddy that cares?"
My head knows my heart is filled stupid dreams.

And stupid dreams eventually die.

(I would like to say that even though I know that God should be and is all I need, I wrote this because the longing for a real earthly father that loves me unconditionally (or at least one who slightly cares and would never hit me) breaks and breaks and breaks me every day.)