Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Missing You

I'm lonely.
My heart's company have gone;
I feel left alone.
You were mine for a long while.
Now I feel I've let you go
Like petals in a current
Except I'm the one being swept away.
I plucked one of your petals
To be reminded of you.
I didn't invade your roots
So I could go on thinking I was special;
More than just another visitor admiring your bloom.
I can convince myself that I gazed the longest,
And didn't walk on by,
Or pluck you carelessly,
Therefore you will remember me.
I kept you in my heart through the seasons,
And found myself with you.
I don't regret the length or events.
I learned. More importantly,
I lived.
And now I've left you behind.
It feels clean.
It feels like gentle, peaceful sorrow.
We will never have those moments again.
I promise not to recreate, but to remember.
I know what this is.
This feels like truth.
But, for the moment,
I miss you.