Monday, March 19, 2012

Blind Faith

You blindly walk across the sand
Searching for a helping hand
But it is silent as can be
For those like you who cannot see

And outstretched hand picks you up
Gives you water from His cup
Then He leads you out of the rain
And you know that He can feel your pain

As you walk you realize
It's getting lighter in your eyes
A steady glow is everywhere
You blink and see that you are there

You see the cross upon a hill
You now live to do His will
He takes you back to where you were
Then He's gone and you are cured

After that you always find
He is with you in spirit and mind
And forever will He always be
Leading those who cannot see.


Internal pain overwhelms
I take it on myself
How else?
No release
I don't want to live
I can't breath
Where is my hero?
Who will save me 
From myself?
Why am I so alone?
I will be still and plead
Fight for me.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pandora's Box

My anguish cries out
I can't do this anymore
Tested, tempted, tortured
Where is my release
Locked so deep within
I cannot delve
My very core
But without consciousness
With myself and others
I want to heal!
Give me my memories!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Uncertainty paralyzes me
I am frozen with knowledge
Of outcomes that may
Or may not
Come to pass
The realities are consuming
And the biggest question yet:
Can I do this alone?
I'm not alone; but I am.
Support is not experience
Sympathy is not understanding
I am alone.

The Place

Sleep, Sleep, they say
     But sleep brings no peace
Sleep, Sleep, they say
You'll feel better,
     I only feel terror and dirt and shame.
Eat, Eat, they say,
     I'll eat when I'm hungry but I never am
Eat, Eat, they say
You don't want to starve yourself,
     That's what you think.
Talk, Talk, they say
It will help...
     It only makes me hate myself more
Talk, Talk, they say
It will get better,
     Not better, I say