Friday, November 21, 2014


There are moments of... why does he do this to me?
There are moments of... the uneasy calm before the storm.
There are moments of... waiting for the bomb to drop.
There are moments of... anger and chaos.
There are moments of confusion, hurt, and hopelessness.
There are moments of... what comes next?
There are moments of... I'm sorry's and forgiveness.
There are moments of... connection and understanding.
There are moments of... laughter and bonding.

There are moments of... kindness and acts of service.

There are moments of... love and bliss.
There are moments of... I want your baby and a ring.
There are moments of... unity and effort.
There are moments of... thankfulness.
There are moments of... unintentional hurts.
There are moments of... why does he do this to me?
There are moments of... the uneasy calm before the storm...

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Back to back
And in parade
We are the ones
Who will survive
We will falter
But not lose sight.
You are my sun
My fierce desire
Burning bright
Strong arms, I'm safe
Strong heart, I'm loved
Almost can't take
Your overwhelming touch.
Breaking down
Walls and fears
You know my heart
You wipe my tears
You hold my dreams,
Keep them high
Heard my screams,
Heard me cry.
Safely held
We won't let go
And I think
I've always known
You are the one
Only meant for me
And I am yours

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Keep me in your heart
I'll keep you in my eyes
I never see you anymore
You're too easily in mind

Glimpses every day
You keep me on the edge
Stop calling out my name
With voices in my head

I screamed I hate you
To no one but the air
I said Leave me alone
You're always, never there