Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Don't Stay

Mind reeling
Thought I was winning
God I can't give in
Help me to finish
This day
The right way
End on a good note
Inject me with hope
More than hope, what I need
Is peace
So I can stay me
And stay with the people that need me
I've come so far 
And I love being free
Do don't let me stay
In the place of ungrace
And the thoughts that tempt me to waste
Waste away
My mind
My days
My love
My grace
But my mind is in the grave
Taking my heart with it
It's sinking
Turning grey
Oh God
Don't let me stay.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


When I go to feed one cat, I see two bowls.
When I sit down when I get home, I think about how you pushed your way into my lap at every opportunity, digging your claws in to make sure you stayed there.
When I close the curtains at night, I remember how you sat looking out the window, parting them and letting in the city light. 
When I lay my body down to rest, the weight of your ghost curls up on my chest.
I miss you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Safe Place

Locked in the bathroom
In a doom scroll
On the verge of tears
Holding them back
With the screen in my hands
So much chaos
Disjointed murmurings in my head
It gets so loud sometimes
Almost audible gibbering monsters
Screaming in my ringing ears
That are encased in silence
And I can't move
From my position on the floor
Earlier my little me
Had me pick from a page of faces
Pictures of "WHAT AM I FEELING?"
I feel distracted
Like there are a million flies in my head
And I can't move
I can't think
I need quiet
I need to not be needed
I need to retreat like a wild Wolf
Licking my wounds
Burning them out with fever in the dark
But there is no place for my Wolf
There is no safe place for me
And these stolen moments are not enough
To keep me from breaking at the seams.

Monday, September 7, 2020


My skin wants him
My body screaming for his
The brush of fingertips
An electric current of ecstasy
Squirm, gasp, a hitch in my breath
Barely more than a whisper
Pleasure builds in the anticipation
In the waiting for more
For strong, sure hands
For heat and closeness
For letting go
And looking into his eyes
Because he won't stop looking at me
And it seems like
He sees me
And that is the deepest pleasure of all.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


I'm a wreck
A wretch
I retch 
Spewing venom that I use to numb the pain
But it only causes more
Crying in bed in the middle of the day
Fantasizing that a little cut
Will help the pain go away
Here I go
I hurt myself in so many ways
Acting out the hate inside
The pain that I've internalized
Throughout my life
I'll run away
Abandon myself
Before I let anyone else do it again
I reach out
Ask for help
Wear my heart on my sleeve
See it bleed?
But it's never enough
Maybe I want too much
I am too much
And not enough
The void is deep and wide
A cavernous ache inside
I am weak and needy
I'm breaking down
I don't want to drown
But I'm to tired to fight anymore
I surrender.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Let's Fight

I've been running from my pain
I've been pushing you away
I don't know when you're gonna
Take me seriously

You fill me up and let me down
Pull me in and let me drown
These waves keep crashing over me
Over my head I'm in too deep

You hold me close and let me go
I don't KNOW what I'm supposed to know
I think you're holding back
And I'm fed up with that

Come on, let's fight
Show me you care
enough to engage this war in my heart
I'm falling to pieces
I need to release this
Meet me here
A burning fire that's within
I want a fight but not a win
Let me wrestle with your light
Until it's all I see.
Prove your passion.
Fight for me,
Or fight me.
Just don't leave me alone in this fight with myself.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Umm, that doesn't look right...
Hey, do you see them?
I can't tell if they're moving
Are they turning too?
He should have waited! 
Wait! Amadeus stop. STOP!

I'm hitting his back...

They don't see us!

Time crawls
I see glimpses of my life
Cravings for what my future could be
I am a deer in headlights
I can't close my eyes
One second before impact:

I'm not wearing a helmet.

I feel the jolt
I lean into Amadeus
I am flying
Instinct takes over
I cling to his back
Directing my body
I land on top of him
We fall
And break apart
I drag myself onto the grass


I hear him distantly
My world goes black.