Friday, March 5, 2010


A silent scream
Vibrations incapable of reaching air;
Unheard and ignored
In the scramble to reduce the
Harsh, bleak sound of nothing;
Frustration ensues; rage encompasses
Mighty and terrifying within.
     Screaming is ringing in my ears
     My own unvoiced
     Restrained, restricted, reprimanded.
     Nobody knows, nobody knows
     Empathy, understanding unfound
     Sympathy unwanted.
Confined, chained, captive
Held by the iron paper chains
Around my paper skin.
Prison bars behind my eyes;
An iron clasp behind my ear
Circling my neck a hint of gold
Where maybe a key once was.
     Secretly secreting sound.
     Seemingly unfounded attacks
     Arouse and enrage.
     Focus; open wide
     Or confirm my supicions.
And Oh! To be free...
From you, from them,
And to fly! Leaving, soaring, wishing
High into the sun and
Let my skin melt,
A pleasant and surprising turn of events.

** I feel like this needs cliffnotes, like a shakespearean play. Each individual line reeks with hidden meaning and analogy. I'm going to leave it how it is for now, and go under the assumption that anyone who really cares to find out what the unobvious parts mean will ask me. I'll gladly offer explanation, just ask. Also, there is no title, a purposeful decision meant to embody the silent emotion in the body of this piece. **

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