Monday, February 27, 2012

The Pit

The more I fight
The more I feel the ground I am standing on
Snatched out from underneath me
Replaced by the sands of an hourglass
Trapping me with invisible walls
Caged on all sides
And it's only a matter of time
Before the inevitable fall.
Lord, reach out your hand to me
Because the darkness is closing in again
And I'm starting to panic; I am terrified
Fearful of sinking to so many years ago
But not by any action of my own.
The darkness is swallowing me up
I've lost interest in my loves,
The things that form my joy.
Save me oh Lord! Don't let me be taken!
My heart beats quickly
Waiting anxiously and in terror
Until I can no longer see through the fog
Enveloping me like memories that I fear will replay.

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