Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Little

I feel like I can breathe just a little bit easier
My hope's a little brighter
A little bit more fire in my chest
Today I'm a little more content
The fear is a little less
My night a little more peaceful
A little more food in my stomach
A little more calm in my mind
A little less racing heart and hyperventilating
Decreased a little in pain
Increased a little in faith and trust.
Just a little in all these things...
But a little is everything when I felt like I was drowning.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How to Help

This isn't poetry or flow but it goes with the last four posts. 

"I don't need to hear "God forgives you", or "You need to forgive yourself". That just reinforces the self-blame. I DO need to hear, over and over, as many times as necessary "It wasn't your fault. You didn't deserve that. What he did was wrong." etc.
I don't need to hear any version of "at least", or what to be grateful for, or how others have it worse. That invalidates my pain. I DO need to hear "It's ok to be confused. It's ok to grieve. It's ok to be struggling. It's ok to not be ok. It's ok to take your time. I'm here for you."
I don't need to hear "You're strong" or "you're fine" or "you'll be ok." Because I'm very much NOT right now. I do need to hear "You are brave. You are loved. You have my support. You deserve to heal."


I am not hopeless
But sometimes (often) I feel helpless
Small, weak, and powerless
I've been holding my breath
Holding fear in my chest
Trying to hold myself together
Through all of this is exhausting
I need to rest
If I just let go
And fall apart for a moment
Can I rest? 
Is it ok to stop fighting
Just for a moment
And surrender
To my pain and weakness?
Please give me rest.


Words have so much power
I hate that word
I want to take away its power
The conflict of fear and craving a comforting touch
Because sometimes words alone are not enough to overpower that word
I want to forget what it means
Memories of the pain still cause physical discomfort and mental agony
I want to make that word go away and never have to say it again
But my time with it is unfinished and ignoring it won't help
I wrestle and grapple with it but it continues to take me down and take me under
It takes me out of my sleep at night and away from the present when I'm awake
No way to fight, no defense against this overwhelming powerful word.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Blood on my skin
Under my nails
Caving in, again
Jump over the moon, coiled, tense
Picking the cracked polish, dry skin
Can't stop crying
It's a fucked up thing
     To hate myself (because of someone else)
     To feel the past as if it's present
     To go to bed and wake up drunk
because it's too hard to close my eyes on my own

Caving In

My heart is caving in
My body, a punching bag
Numb and locked in my own head
No defense, fully immersed
     I should've been screaming
     No greater pain
     I should've said STOP
Where was my voice?
Where was my choice?
Too far gone for me to grasp
     I want my skin to scream for me
     I need a love to speak for me
     Release me from the REPLAY
     Of damaged, sick, dirty, used
     My fault
I'm caving in.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Keep fucking going

DO NOT FEAR I hear you say
But I'm not afraid! I'm overwhelmed and in pain!
Diving in to memories and emotions that flooded me then and still do- when I choose.
In part I'm reminding myself how it was to feel so completely out of control and unreachable.
Is this necessary to heal? I already know the answer.
But now I write and how long has it been? I think the words only flow right when they spill out of torment and pain.
(TORMENT may be a bit strong for the current situation, but in times past was completely accurate. Ok, and yes, I've glimpsed it recently.)
Realign creative strain, embrace pain, channel for gain.
I can do this again and do it the right way. It'll be more than I can bear- then step back, take a chair, open hands. Curl up, face down, ugly cry, let it out. Cry, cry out and be consumed by flames of grace. Wipe my face, run my race. Do it again.
Keep fucking going... Until the healing sets in.