Thursday, April 9, 2020

Let's Fight

I've been running from my pain
I've been pushing you away
I don't know when you're gonna
Take me seriously

You fill me up and let me down
Pull me in and let me drown
These waves keep crashing over me
Over my head I'm in too deep

You hold me close and let me go
I don't KNOW what I'm supposed to know
I think you're holding back
And I'm fed up with that

Come on, let's fight
Show me you care
enough to engage this war in my heart
I'm falling to pieces
I need to release this
Meet me here
A burning fire that's within
I want a fight but not a win
Let me wrestle with your light
Until it's all I see.
Prove your passion.
Fight for me,
Or fight me.
Just don't leave me alone in this fight with myself.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Umm, that doesn't look right...
Hey, do you see them?
I can't tell if they're moving
Are they turning too?
He should have waited! 
Wait! Amadeus stop. STOP!

I'm hitting his back...

They don't see us!

Time crawls
I see glimpses of my life
Cravings for what my future could be
I am a deer in headlights
I can't close my eyes
One second before impact:

I'm not wearing a helmet.

I feel the jolt
I lean into Amadeus
I am flying
Instinct takes over
I cling to his back
Directing my body
I land on top of him
We fall
And break apart
I drag myself onto the grass


I hear him distantly
My world goes black.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Close Call

Oh, I've tried
And I've failed
But now
I have one under my belt
You tried
You failed
You did not steal me away this time
I stood my ground
Stared you in the face
And refused to move
I was still.
My mind was screaming
My heart was beating 
     like a war drum in the first wave of battle
I watched
     with eyes wide open
As you drove your blade toward me
     a deadly blow
But I caught the cold steel in my hands
And held the point inches from my face
Eyes wide open. Staring into yours.
Until I thrust you away. And escaped.
It was a close call. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I can't call you my baby
You don't belong to me
And you're not a baby anymore
But I want to hold you tight
My darling
My heart aches for you and what you've been through
Tears steam down my face
And I am filled with overwhelming awe
Inspired by your raw strength and vulnerability
Your transparency and authenticity in the midst of heartbreak and pain
I wish it didn't have to be this way
But the strength you've found inside of you
Has made you wise beyond your years
And I can't help but contemplate
How you've overcome your fears
You are perfect
You are beautiful
You are SO loved
I wish I could share my journey with you
Maybe someday you'll find solace in knowing you're not alone
But for now
I am honored
To witness your journey
Even from a distance
Even from the sidelines
I am cheering you on
Screaming my lungs out for you
With fierce pride and admiration
As you run your race
As you're finding your pace
And the strength to carry on
I don't think I've witnessed anything more beautiful...
And someday, these are the things I will say to you.