Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I can't call you my baby
You don't belong to me
And you're not a baby anymore
But I want to hold you tight
My darling
My heart aches for you and what you've been through
Tears steam down my face
And I am filled with overwhelming awe
Inspired by your raw strength and vulnerability
Your transparency and authenticity in the midst of heartbreak and pain
I wish it didn't have to be this way
But the strength you've found inside of you
Has made you wise beyond your years
And I can't help but contemplate
How you've overcome your fears
You are perfect
You are beautiful
You are SO loved
I wish I could share my journey with you
Maybe someday you'll find solace in knowing you're not alone
But for now
I am honored
To witness your journey
Even from a distance
Even from the sidelines
I am cheering you on
Screaming my lungs out for you
With fierce pride and admiration
As you run your race
As you're finding your pace
And the strength to carry on
I don't think I've witnessed anything more beautiful...
And someday, these are the things I will say to you.

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