Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I kept hoping I'd see you;
That you'd see me...
Pull over, tell me "Get in the fucking truck"
And I'd be free.
Because you see, I'm a hostage
Until it runs it's course
My disease is savage
Only the first course is willingly devoured
Then it turns on me
Turns me on
Turns me loose
I have no say
At least for a day
Or two
Or three
It turns on me
Eating me
Until sometimes I'd rather die
Than continue
So I escape in my head
With savior fantasies
Someone who cares enough to come for me
Who am I kidding no one's looking for me
But it's enough to get me through
To that next mind numbing hit
And the cycle's on repeat
Until I forfeit...
Go home, eat, sleep, cry
Ashamed I'm not strong enough to save myself
Wondering if someone else could...
But no one came to look for me
No one even tried. 

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