Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I kept hoping I'd see you;
That you'd see me...
Pull over, tell me "Get in the fucking truck"
And I'd be free.
Because you see, I'm a hostage
Until it runs it's course
My disease is savage
Only the first course is willingly devoured
Then it turns on me
Turns me on
Turns me loose
I have no say
At least for a day
Or two
Or three
It turns on me
Eating me
Until sometimes I'd rather die
Than continue
So I escape in my head
With savior fantasies
Someone who cares enough to come for me
Who am I kidding no one's looking for me
But it's enough to get me through
To that next mind numbing hit
And the cycle's on repeat
Until I forfeit...
Go home, eat, sleep, cry
Ashamed I'm not strong enough to save myself
Wondering if someone else could...
But no one came to look for me
No one even tried. 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Almost Home

Every nerve screaming.
Exhausted. Starving.
I hate myself.
Ashamed and misrepresented
I swear I'm losing my mind
Seeing and hearing echos of things that aren't
Bite my tongue. Clench my teeth.
The closer I get to home the heavier I feel.
Every step slower.
Will the door be locked?
Did I really blow it this time?
The dread
Of what will happen 
when I go in 
fights against 
the overwhelming hunger 
and need for sleep.
36 hours without either.
How many times do I have to
Choose this hell
To realize
It's not the road i want to walk-
Then actually choose a different road?
When will I be done with this?